Clone the SteelEagle repository onto your computer and the server which will eventually run the backend. Then, on your smartphone, install Parrot FreeFlight 6 which is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Next, decide on a control environment: Python (Onion) or Java (smartwatch). There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. Once you select the environment you want, follow the associated instructions below.
Category | Python (Onion) | Java (smartwatch) |
Framerate | 30 FPS | 0.7 FPS |
Latency | 900ms latency | 1200ms latency |
Sealed | No | Yes |
Compute | None | Minimal |
Price | ~$110 | ~$140 |
Battery | ~40 min | ~1 hour |
Weight | 55g | 39g |
Install | Moderate | Easy |