Instruct drone to detect objects along the specified path using the specified pitch, rotation, sampling rate, and detection model
No Additional Properties"DetectTask: {model: 'coco', sample_rate: 3, hover_delay: 10}"
The angle of the gimbal
Value must be greater or equal to -90.0
and lesser or equal to 90.0
The heading offset to rotate the drone to at each vertex (in degrees)
Value must be greater or equal to 0.0
and lesser or equal to 360.0
The number of frames to evaluate (via OpenScout client) per second
Value must be greater or equal to 1
and lesser or equal to 30
The number of seconds to hover at each vertex before moving to the next
Value must be greater or equal to 0
and lesser or equal to 10
Name of the object detection model to evaluate frames against (default = 'coco')